


Hello, I’m Becky.

Having spent my teenage life in Weston, I decided to move back, after 20 years away, when my daughter was one year old. This was mostly because my parents live here and it seemed a decent place to bring up young children.

I was surprised, though, with how much I would grow to love this town (as an 18 year old, I couldn’t wait to get out – too much to do and see). We started exploring and as, bit by bit, my little girl’s legs were able to travel further, we widened our stomping ground.

And we’re still doing it. Now she’s 8 years old, we give personalities to trees up at Weston Woods, collect sea shells on the beach or, with friends, build fires and have picnics on Middle Hope.

Sometimes I really have to convince her to join me – you know, iCarly and Minecraft can seem more attractive by the fire in the winter months. But we still manage to hunt around, find new corners, collect memories.

When we do get out and about, I’d like to share that with you, whether we’re camping in Glastonbury or foraging around Uphill or maybe just strolling through town.

Come on an adventure …

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