
Weston-super-Mum holds animation workshops for children of all ages. Using the latest istop animation technology, Karen and Becky work together with young people to make short animated films.

Image by Viv Kennedy, with thanks

Thanks to funding received as part of Weston’s share in the ‘No Town Left Behind‘ package, spearheaded by Mary Portas, we have been able to purchase iPads and software in order to facilitate workshops that have the potential to involve hundreds of local people.

We aim to produce more films that allow young people to engage with the area in and around Weston-super-Mare High Street, working with independent shops and businesses to encourage footfall in the centre and help regeneration. We believe that our town centre can be a place of pride and we hope to interact with young people and children, in particular, so that they can better appreciate where they live.

We piloted our iAnimation Workshops at this year’s Weston-super-Food Festival children’s area, where we held a drop in session. You can see the results on our youtube station.

Image by Viv Kennedy, with thanks
Image by Viv Kennedy, with thanks


If you would like more information on upcoming events or would like to book your own workshop, please complete the contact form below

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